tools for making software

More On The Pasting Service Thing

I thought a bit more about that pasting service, and there is much much more to it than I thought at first. Let’s dream a bit.

Imagine a place where you’d find implementation solutions to particular problems you have. With tests. Imagine you have qualified reviews of this solution pointing at strength and weaknesses on aspects like readability, performance on small/large datasets, maintenability, …etc. Imagine you have alternative solutions suggested by other developers. Again, with tests. Imagine you can point to different sources of inspiration for your code. Imagine you can flag blattant copy from someone else’s code with no source mentionned. Imagine you have an online IDE to type your code and execute your tests.

So many features could go there.

The objective behind that service would be as ambitious as

This service feels so simple and obvious that I don’t understand why anything approaching hasn’t been done yet.

Anyway, I began working on it, slowly, and that’s no piece of cake.

Matthieu Scholler 12 May 2013
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